Monday, 21 December 2009

Cue The Choir!

It's a Miracle!  We have internet!  It's like an early Christmas, it's as if the heavens opened up and smiled upon us.  I can't tell you how relieved we are.  We're both sitting on the couch connected to the world and it's wonderful.

We haven't posted here much lately, believing that any day we would be connected at home and able to post in comfort (read "in our underwear").  As I write this I see Leah's little face in the glow of her personal entertainment rectangle and I am content.

Ok, so what the hell have we been up to?

I have forgotten where we even left off.  Jeez it's been a long time since we were doing daily posts.  Mostly we've been in a routine of going somewhere to find internet connection and then spending the day from there. We've both been reading a lot.  I read a history of Australia and several fiction books.  Leah did her preliminary work for school and also read some fiction.

We've spent a lot of time hanging out with the neighbors (not the nekkid one) we're really lucky to have moved in next door to Melissa and Andrew.  They are a huge help and always there if we need anything.  Besides it's nice to have someone else to talk to.

hmm.  The days kind of run together, but a few highlights:

Last Thursday we were supposed to be able to pick up our internet router after 11 am.  Just when I was about to leave the house and pick it up, the mobile phone rang.  It was the guy from the job interview a couple of weeks ago.  He asked if I could come by later in the day for a second interview.  Of course I agreed and later that afternoon I took the train to Nundah and met him for my second interview.  He offered me the job right away and I start on Jan 4th, the first working day of the new year.  I'm pretty excited.  It's a pay cut from my last job but it'll get us started.

I felt like a million bucks leaving the dealership.  I really had to fight the urge to click my heals together walking back to the train.  I'm not kidding it was exhilarating.  When the train dropped me off at Toowong I popped into the Telstra shop to pick up our modem.  It was there and I felt even better.  The day before I had called to make sure our order went through and the guy told me there was a big green check mark next to our order.  Good to go.  So new job and internet access in hand I practically floated home.

And then it happened again.  The damn internet connection wasn't there.  I called Telstra and found out that despite the guy telling me that there was a big green check mark the computer had spit out our order.  Something else was wrong.  But "No worries" this guy says, we'll have you fixed up by Saturday. I lost my shit.  Seriously, I had been so happy only seconds before and I felt as if someone had pulled the rug out from under me.  I held it together long enough to be cordial on the phone but as soon as I hung up I went on a tirade.  Imagine the father from "A Christmas Story" and you'll have a good idea of what I sounded like.

So Saturday comes around and we haven't heard from Telstra so I call again.  It's been over a month at this point since we put in our order.  This time the woman tells me that there's a problem with the lines and they need to send a linesman out to "jumper the line"  Whatever the hell that means.  Basically they tell me it'll be Tuesday.  I gave that woman an ear full without swearing or even raising my voice.

Tonight, just for giggles I plugged the router in and sure enough the green lights started twinkling and here we are: Basking in the glory of teh interwebs.

I have some more to say but I'll leave it there for now.  I'll be back tomorrow with more.

Some observations for today:

-The neighbors are hoping the grass is nice and green for Christmas.
-Arugula is called Rocket
-There was a show on yesterday called "a conversation with Michael Bubble

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