Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Wha happen?

Whoa, we missed a day there, sorry about that.  Yesterday was in fact Australia day and we celebrated like a couple of true Aussies.  We spent much of the day on Skype, drinking with friends in Denver.  We started about ten am and didn't get done with Skype until almost five pm.  By the time we were done talking with Sarah and Dave we were both feeling pretty drunk. (looking at the fridge today, we put a serious hurting on the carton of beer we  bought)

After the marathon chat slash drink-a-thon, we went out to the back yard where one of our housemates was having a bbq.  We met some cool people and had several more beers with them.  When the sun went down we grabbed a quick bite and then walked over to the pub to meet some of Leah's new school friends.  By the time we were finished at the pub neither of us was in any shape to write the blog.

Five thirty am comes pretty early when one has been drinking and today I felt a bit rough around the edges.  Thankfully I wasn't the only one.  Just about everyone I work with was hungover and the collective mood was pretty chill.

I had intended to post a few photos tonight but, unfortunately, we have run over our download allotment for the month and our internet speed has been slowed to a crawl.  I just spent the last fifteen minutes trying to get one photo uploaded and abandoned it in frustration.

Our internet usage was quite high because I had to download all of the software updates for my new hard drive and Skype does tend to use a lot of data.  We've decided to give ourselves a couple of months to gauge our average usage and if we keep getting slowed down at the end of the month we'll upgrade our internet plan.  For now though, I'll not be able to post photos until February 1st.

I've been itching to post some photos from work actually.  When I first started I had to put all the parts away from our stock order.  When the parts are shipped from Honda, many of them have tags held on by rubber bands.  I, of course, took all the rubber bands and made a rubber band ball.  I've made a rubber band ball at every job I've had since working with Ben in VA.  I didn't really think too much of it at the time.  I mean what else do you do with a hundred extra rubber bands?

Kevin, who sits next to me at work saw me bouncing the ball off of the wall by my desk and imediately became fascinated by it.  He asked me to show him how I did it, so I helped him get one started.  Little did I know that Kevin would be a rubber band ball overachiever.  Very quickly we had used all the rubber bands in our office and Kev was calling his grandmother who lives in the area to bring us some more.  Kev's Nan brought us two really large bags of rubber bands and soon his ball was twice the size of the one I had made.  Of course most of the dealership makes it's way through our office during the course of a day, and I soon started to see other people with rubber band balls.  It was hilarious.

Now that was over three weeks ago.  Every morning Kev comes in and opens his backpack and hefts out his ever growing rubber band ball.  The guy is seriously obsessed at this point.  I've been documenting the ever growing mass of latex and the other day we got the idea to weigh it.  The thing weighs over two kilograms! That's about four and a half pounds. The diameter is over six inches.  It's massive. I haven't asked him yet but it must be getting close to fifty dollars worth of rubber bands.

I've done a GIS (Google image search) for "rubber band ball" and Kev has quite a way to go to break the record, but he's off to a good start.  I look forward to documenting the progress.

I'm off to bed early tonight, it's been a long day.

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