Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Do I Work In Pee-Wee's Playhouse?

Yep, I finally succumbed to peer pressure and joined Facebook.  I should have done it earlier but I'm lame that way.  I like to be ahead of the curve with technology in some ways and in others I'm still in the stone ages.  Anyway welcome to anyone who may have been directed here from my Facebook page.  I hope you enjoy reading about our lives in Australia.

I told you before about the monster I have created at work in regards to rubber band balls.  I thought I'd show you some evidence today.

That's Kev's friend holding his rubber band ball, as you can see it's as big as her head.  Maybe a little bigger.  As you can tell, we take our work very seriously.  We weighed the thing last week and it was tipping the scales at over 2 kilos.  (about 5lbs)

I told you all yesterday that we had bought a Dragon fruit.  We cut into it tonight and it may be our new favorite.   Here it is before cutting.

You can see it's about the size of a big apple and it kind of looks like a swollen flower.  I'm not even sure how these things grow but I assume they come from a tree.  Cutting into one is kind of shocking as the flesh isn't at all what you'd expect from a bright pink fruit.
 The flesh is white and specked with seeds.  Leah thinks it looks like a poppy seed muffin.  The texture is a lot like a kiwi fruit but it isn't nearly as sour.  Once you've cut into it the skin peels away easily.  The flavor is really mild actually and is only slightly sweet.  We both really enjoyed it.  There is another type of dragon fruit that has red flesh and it's taste is sweeter.  We'll try and find one of those and post some photos another time.  If you ever run across one I definitely recommend you try it. I think these are native of Asia, but I'm pretty sure I've seen them in Mexico or maybe it was Costa Rica.
Oh and one more thing, O almost forgot to mention that today is Groundhogs day.  I tried to tell people at work but they clearly don't get it here.  They have no groundhogs for one thing and another it falls smack in the middle of Summer.  The closest they get is that Bill Murray movie.  Anyway, I hope Punxatawney Phil doesn't see his shadow today so you guys can start to thaw out.  Think warm thoughts.

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