Thursday, 11 March 2010


Wow, I usually try and keep my hangovers relegated to Fridays and now I remember why.  Today was a killer.
I sat on the front porch at Kev's last night and drank too many beers.  I did manage to get in bed at a relatively normal time but that didn't alleviate the hangover much.   It' was a long day and I'm still tired.

Tomorrow night is the start of the Rugby League season here.  We've got tickets to the Broncos and Cowboys game.  How weird does that sound?  Truthfully I don't know a damn thing about rugby but that didn't stop me from getting into the weekly pool at work.  I pay a dollar a week for the next twenty eight weeks for the privilege of picking winners to win some cash.  I believe I'm going to have to do some research in order to be competitive.  If any of you regular readers have any advice I'd love to hear it. (Read: Daniel, help me out mate!)

We're going to the game with friends and have plans to meet before the game and get a few drinks.  The Stadium is only two train stops away from the house so getting there isn't difficult.  I'm pretty excited to see this game in person and we're both excited to have a group activity plan.  After leaving Denver our social life has become a lot less varied.

I'm going to take the camera with us and try and get some photos of the game.  Hopefully I'll have some interesting stories for ya.

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