On Saturday morning Leah had her last final of the semester. (I know, Saturday!) And when it was over she and her classmates got together for drinks. At 9:00 am. Hilarity did ensue.
Health Care Professionals right here yo!
So it being a Saturday and Leah being otherwise preoccupied I went ahead with Saturday day plan as usual. I wen't to the market. Leah had gotten up so early that I couldn't sleep in so I was done with the markets by 10:00 or so. I went home to put away the groceries and tried to lie down for a nap, but the phone started ringing almost right away. I was being paged to come and join the festivities.
I made my way to campus about 11:30 and found a pretty rowdy group of OT students. The health sciences department had put them up for a bar tab and they were taking full advantage. Various and sundry liquors were imbibed and the antics were plentiful. Have a squiz for yourself:
Still relatively together
Thirty Seconds later!
Charlene gets lippy...
So I jumped all over her.
Getting there...
The Standard, like she wouldn't
They made it til 2:00pm. They're such troopers!
Getting there...
The Standard, like she wouldn't
They made it til 2:00pm. They're such troopers!
After this I took these two home and they passed out. Actually Louise passed out in the car on the way home. I'm not sure if Charlene is trying to give the camera some sort of weird Canasian version of the finger in this picture or what.
Leah and I went home for a couple of hours and then met up with some of my friends to go to the roller derby. And while we were there, I decided to focus on drinking beer and only took like four pictures. One was of a random woman who appeared to be at least six foot seven with a short choad of a guy about five two. Another of Leah that she wouldn't want me to post here and one of pretty much nothing. This is as close as I got to an interesting picture that night:
Getting ready for the derby. (btw they played on bare concrete and it was brutal.)