Sunday, 13 June 2010

Long Weekends...

Are (in my opinion) best spent drinking and eating.

Pan roasted pork chop with potato and parsnip mash, fennel apple and onion braise and strawberry, radish and danish feta salad.

Potato, Leek and Fennel soup with Bacon and Stilton croĆ»tons.

Leah and I polished a couple of bottles of Pinot Grigio with the pork chops on Saturday night and followed up on Sunday with the soup and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.  I don't know how I ever lived my life without a weekly farmers market to supply my foodie habit.  It's a really lovely thing that strawberries and fennel are both in season right now.  And who knew that strawberries and radishes make such a nice pairing?  Now if we only had some more attractive dinnerware to serve it.  Those dark grey bowls are hideous.

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to try some cracked pepper or balsamic on the strawberries, for some insane reson the pepper really brings out the flavour...... we will have to head up the coast one weekend to the strawberry farm.

    Hope Leah liked the soup! M xx
